Online Payment Help

Billing / Collection / Invoice / Payment Reference

You will be able to find this on your bill, statement, invoice or notice.

  • Council Tax Billing Reference is 12 digits long and begins with a "4".
  • Housing Rent Collection Reference is 9 digits long and begins with an "8".
  • Business Rates Billing Reference is12 digits long and begins with a "5".
  • Social Services Invoice Number is 11 digits long and begins with a "9".
  • Parking Fines Payment Reference is 9 digits long and begins with a "1".
  • Council Invoices Reference is 11 digits long and begins with a "7".

Contact Name

Enter the name of the person to be contacted.

First line of address

Enter your house name or number and street name.


Enter the postcode of the person for which the bill, statement, invoice or notice is to be paid.


The amount you wish to pay.

Customer Ref:

Enter the unique number you have been given, this will be AG or ND followed by your full postcode and house number.

Appl/Reg. Number

Enter the planning application number / building regulations number.

Site Location

Enter the site address including the postcode for the application.

Applicant Name

Enter the applicant name.

Application Number

Enter the application number, for example: A/12/76722.

Owner's Name

Enter the owner\'s name.


Enter the name of the person applying for the list.

Vehicle Reg No.

Enter the vehicle registration number.

Name of Premises

Enter the name of the premises.

Permit/Licence No.

Enter the permit or licence number.

Licence/Cert No

Enter the licence or certificate number.

Pay Ref (EC)

Enter the unique fixed penalty number from your fixed penalty notice.

Person's name on FPN

Enter the name of the person to whom the FPN has been issued.

FPN Reference Number

Enter the fixed penalty notice reference number.

FPN Issue Date

Enter the issue date of the notice.

Billing Reference

Enter the unique number you have been given on your Penalty Notice.

Reference Number

Enter the reference number.

Application Number

Enter the application number.


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