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Why are strength and balance exercises so important?

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In 2019 the Chief Medical Officer released the latest physical activity guidelines (external link). For the first time participation in strength and balance exercise was considered to be as important as cardiovascular activity.

But why is this?

From our thirties we start to lose bone and muscle mass which continues into later life. Our balance also declines as we age. This can result in an increased risk of falls, loss of confidence, reduced mobility and decreased independence. Falls aren’t an inevitable part of ageing and we can do something about it now.

Participation in strength and balance is important across the life course but recent evidence shows if you aren’t already doing this type of exercise starting in your 40’s will make a huge difference to your ability to complete everyday activities in later life. Though don’t forget it is never too late to start at any age and you will benefit from doing so.

What can I do?

What activities are best to help improve muscle function, bone health and balance, and what you can do to improve your health?

Evidence shows activities such as resistance training, aerobics, circuit training, ball games, racket sports and dance are the most effective. Other activities provide benefits that are important to improve your health and mental wellbeing so it is best to take part in a mix of activities that helps you to meet all of the Chief Medical Officers recommendations.

Be Well programmes that can help you with your strength and balance include:


© Wigan Council