Wigan Pier Quarter

Dangers & Effects

Although you can't see air pollution, it can have a big effects on your physical health, sometimes without you even realising. Air pollution can affect anyone, from birth through to old age.

It enters our lungs when we breathe, leading to effects throughout the body, increasing the risk of many health conditions.

Click the circles to reveal some of the effects:

The clickable circles are on an SVG image of a human body, for accessiblity we have provided a separate list as clickable buttons below so you can access the popup content:

Below is an image of a human body with hotspots that load different popups. You can access these links here


Overall, Wigan Borough has relatively good air quality levels, but it is key that we all continue to play our part to reduce air pollution, making a safe and healthy Borough for everyone. Air pollution affects everyone, but certain people are more vulnerable to health impacts:

Below is an icon of a child on a scooter

Young children

Below is an icon of a pregnant woman

Pregnant women

Below is an icon of an old man with a walking stick

People aged 65+

Below is an icon of a person and an inhaler

People with respiratory conditions