Learn about air pollution in your area

There are lots of little changes you can make to your daily routine, that will have a great impact on reducing air pollution across the Borough.

See how you can help take care of where you live.

Reducing your mileage

Making an air quality friendly home. Icon below is of a window.

Making an air quality friendly home

Eating for cleaner air. Icon below is of a spoon, a kinfe and a fork.

Eating for cleaner air

Reducing your mileage

Did you know, fumes from cars account for 13% of all CO2 emissions contributing to air pollution. Left unchecked, this is expected to rise to 35% by 2030.1

Walking or cycling, choosing to stay local where you can and taking public transport where you can't, helps to reduce the amount of air pollution that goes into our air. See what small changes you can make, to make a big difference to your community.

Find out more about how you can reduce your mileage

Making an air quality friendly home

Did you know, we spend around 90% of our time indoors. Whether at home, work, school, or in shops and restaurants.2

Indoor air pollution can be harmful to breathe in, and lead to lung conditions and diseases. There are many things in your home that can cause indoor pollution, but there are some simple changes you can make to have cleaner air in your home.

Find out more about making an air quality friendly home

Eating for cleaner air

Did you know, skipping one serving of beef every week for a year would save the same amount of emissions as driving 348 miles in a car?3

Find out how making small changes to your diet can help to take care of the Borough.

Find out more about eating for cleaner air