East of Atherton

Site reference: EM1C/04/01

UPRN (Address Point Reference): 10091703916

Site address: North of Chanters Industrial Estate, Arley Way, Atherton

Employment Supply Name: East of Atherton

Postcode: M46 9BP

Site size: 9 hectares

Site description: A 9 hectare site located to the rear of the existing Chanters Industrial Estate on open land. Access to the site would need to be created from the existing industrial estate on Arley Way. Around 3 hectares of the site has planning permission for a new waste recycling centre, with around 6 hectares remaining without planning permission.

Location: Located off the A577 Tyldesley Road, south east of Atherton town centre, Chanters Industrial Estate is a well-established business location in Wigan Council ownership. It accommodates a variety of uses, including manufacturing units, car repairs and body shops, recycling centres and scrap yards. The land to the north of the estate offers the opportunity to expand the industrial estate to accommodate business needs.

Access: Access to the site would need to be created from the existing industrial estate on Arley Way.

Planning position: 3 hectares of the site has planning permission for a waste recycling centre

Development plan status: The site is located within a designated broad location for housing and employment development in the Wigan Local Plan Core Strategy (Policy SP4)

Potential uses: General industry

Land ownership: Wigan Council

Site marketing: None

Availability: The site is considered to be available in the medium to long term

Contact details: For a further discussion on opportunities within Wigan Borough please contact The Invest in Wigan team 01942 489190 business@wigan.gov.uk.

Location map

East of Atherton site East of Atherton plotEast-of-Atherton

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