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Apply for a permit, find a council car park, problem parking, pay or appeal a parking fine, apply for a Blue Badge and more.
Find out about our parks, gardens, nature reserves, woodlands, play areas, football pitches, bowling greens and more.
Enjoy the great outdoors by visiting our country parks, gardens and outdoor spaces for family fun, golf, play activities, walking and more.
Find out who has been a Mayor of Wigan since 1974.
You need a license to sell food and drink, display goods or have temporary furniture outside a restaurant or cafe.
How to pay a council bill such as Council Tax, housing rent, business rates, parking fines and more.
Different ways you can pay your Council Tax.
The government has developed a number of new ways to help parents with their childcare costs.
Find out how much you will need to pay if you need to go into a care home.
List of pending applications
How we monitor our performance and where the budget is spent.
How much money is allocated for your care services.
This replaces Disability Living Allowance for people aged 16 to 64.
Benefits of personal training, how to book a PT session and the cost.
Businesses carrying out treatments such as piercing, tattooing, semi permanent skin colouring (including microblading), electrolysis and acupuncture need to be registered.
What to do when faced with pest issues and the costs for treatment of pests.
Find out about the councils petitions scheme and e-petitions.
This Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a statement of the pharmaceutical needs of Wigan Borough.
Apply for planning permission, search planning applications and more.
Enforcement register
Planning guidance to help you meet the requirements of planning policies and / or legislation, and to help developers once works begin
Got a team and need somewhere to play? Hire one of our pitches.
Power cuts can occur for any number of reasons. Whatever the reason for a power cut, you can make sure you're prepared for sudden power cuts by following our advice.
A series of events for parent / carers and young adults covering further education, independence, belonging in your community, health and wellbeing, and guidance
What you need to know to prepare for Brexit.
Prices for all activities, classes, gym and more.
Applying for a reception class place for September 2020.
How we use your personal data and what your privacy rights are.
Advice for private tenants and useful services to manage and maintain your home.
Find out if you need a licence, what your landlord duties are and sign up to Landlord Hub, how to use the landlord portal and more.
How to sell to us, including business tendering opportunities and terms and conditions.
The Progress with Unity plan is a new movement for change for the next decade.
List of developments with properties available to buy.
Information relating to commercial land ownership, property and estate management.
The Council has been asked to remove the planter buildouts on Elm Street to create more parking for residents. We are aware that residents desire more parking in the street and this could be achieved by removing the two buildouts.
Remember to book your free flu vaccine for your child to protect them against the flu this season.
Public Registers licensing system
What they are, maps, guidance for landowners and reporting a problem.
When there are problems or nuisance in an area affecting the local community's quality of life, we may put rules in place to deal with it. These rules or 'orders' are designed to make sure we can all use and enjoy public spaces, safe from antisocial behaviour.
What you need to do to ensure your bin is emptied on collection day.
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