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We recognise our duty of best value and our responsibility to achieve value for money in service delivery. We will seek to incorporate value for money principles in delivering services by taking account of costs, quality of services and the local context.
Vaping and smoking
Applicants are advised to read through and familiarise themselves with the below information, including the conditions which are attached to all vehicle licences, prior to submitting an application Failure to do so could lead to an application being rejected or refused.
Information and guidance on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicles.
A range of beautiful locations to have your wedding day with us, or hold other ceremonies in the borough.
We have several courses that provide learners with the opportunity to develop their skills and achieve a qualification to prepare for further study or to move into a paid role.
We're looking for like-minded people who share our passion to support us with the Autism Friends campaign by either becoming an Autism Friends Champion or Lead to help promote the understanding and acceptance of autism.
Volunteering opportunities in the areas of culture and leisure, health, people and the community, schools and the environment.
The Government has brought in new regulations about Voter ID, this includes the acceptable types of photo ID and how you can apply for a "Voter Authority Certificate" if you don't have one of the types listed below.
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