Providing Census 2011 information and in-depth knowledge and data for the communities within the borough.
An overview of Data Protection and Freedom of Information.
Offering people with dementia opportunities to take part in therapeutic and stimulating activities.
Registering a death, bereavement support and the tell us once service.
What dementia is, support for people with dementia and carers, staying say and useful organisations and resources.
The DCO ensures that health services are fully engaged and meeting their requirements around SEND and legislation across Wigan borough.
Designing a shop front guidance
An online tool to help developers with all aspects of the housing development process.
Digital skills are essential, from supporting your working life to trying to book a doctor's appointment. Our free Digital Skills and EDSQ courses can help you develop your skills for day to day life, work and beyond.
A group of local community organisations offering a variety of courses and learning opportunities for all age ranges across Wigan borough
Our digital strategy to empower people and businesses in the digital age.
Our Digital Advisor is available to support your business to become more digital savvy and upskill your workforce.
Apply for or renew a blue badge, where to park and getting disabled bay markings outside your home.
If a resident is disabled, they may apply to have an advisory parking bay marked on the highway outside their home if they meet the criteria.
Apply and find out if you are entitled to any council tax discounts, reductions, exemptions and premiums.
If you don't agree with a decision we have made on your Council Tax, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction you can raise a dispute or appeal.
A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) has now been put in place to assist dog owners to behave responsibly in the whole of the Wigan borough
Dog control Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) review
Report any dog issues - lost, stray, dangerous dogs, information on dog fouling.
What it is, how to get support for women and men, emergency contacts, your legal rights and more.
Reviewing the circumstances of the death of a person aged 16 or over from violence, abuse or neglect.
Help and advice on who is responsible for drains, sewers and culverts in Wigan Borough.
What to do if people park across your driveway, apply to construct dropped kerbs or have driveway access markings.
Helping young people aged 18 and under to address risky behaviour linked to substance misuse.
Access support and treatment for adults concerned about their own or someone else's drug problem.
Open to all young people aged 14-24, the Duke of Edinburgh's Award lets you get involved in exciting activities.