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Organised walking sessions across the borough, walking timetables and walking resources.
Walking is a healthy and sustainable means of travel, especially for short journeys.
Advice and support to help you save on your fuel bill and stay warm and healthy in your own home.
Which bin to use, putting your bin out, bin collection dates, missed bins, replacement bins, bulky item collections, finding a recycling centre and more.
We Are Wigan is an ambitious, high-level plan setting out Wigan's growth priorities until 2030.
A range of beautiful locations to have your wedding day with us, or hold other ceremonies in the borough.
Welcome to the Wedding Services where you can book your wedding day with us at our council venues and advice about planning your special ceremony with us.
Giving you the freedom to have your own personal and unique ceremony in the location of your choice.
HealthyRoutes can provide free 1-2-1 support to help you to lose weight.
Welfare and Vulnerability Training
HealthyRoutes provides free 1-2-1 support to help improve your mental wellbeing.
Adult Social Care aims to help people stay independent, safe and well so they can live the lives they want to.
Homecare, also known as domiciliary care, is care and support provided by well trained, paid carers who visit you in your home to help you with a variety of tasks
The Museum of Wigan Life and the Wigan Archives have many events and exhibitions going on throughout the year, with many of them free of charge.
Calendar of corporate events and activities in Wigan Borough.
Find out about our plan for the borough, exciting investment opportunities and what Wigan has to offer.
We are all responsible for keeping our borough tidy.
Find out about our excellent staff benefits package for social workers, the BeWigan behaviours and hear from our Director
Our vision is for Wigan Borough to be an autism-friendly and inclusive place where autistic children and adults can live independent, fulfilling lives, accessing support as and when it is needed.
Residents and communities working together to improve the lives of people from all areas of the borough.
In Autumn 2022, we invited local residents to have their say on the future of our borough to help us address some of our biggest challenges
Latest articles from the press room of Wigan Council specific to local residents and businesses of Wigan, access the Borough News magazine, view latest Twitter feed updates and campaigns.
How we collect, use and share your personal information.
High Expectations for All
We have specially trained staff on hand to provide information, help and advice about council services at our main Life Centre. The Wiend, Wigan, WN1 1NH.
Discover the people and places of Wigan Borough both past and present.
Supporting children to access music making opportunities in the classroom.
The Wigan Safeguarding Adults Board protects adults at risk from abuse or neglect.
Making sure children feel safe and cared for. If you are worried about the welfare of a child - report it!
Local nature reserves and protecting sites of scientific interest and biological importance.
Includes gritting, bin collections, school or building closures, travel updates and how to keep warm during the winter season.
Gain as well as offer a valuable insight into the world of work and check out volunteering opportunities.
Are you warm and caring? Friendly and hard working? Enthusiastic, willing to learn and want to care? Then we could have the perfect job for you!
Everything you need to know about working as a social worker at Wigan Council
We offer free and practical advice to improve the health and wellbeing of employees.
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