Site reference: EM1A/22/01
UPRN (Address Point Reference): 10009212489
Site address: Wood’s Street, Wigan
Employment Supply Name: Wigan Pier Quarter Plot 1
Postcode: WN3 4EY
Site size: 0.32 hectares
Site description: A vacant previously developed rectangular site approx. 0.32 hectares in size, in single ownership fronting onto Wood’s Street. The site is composed of concrete hardstandings with boundary trees. The land sits adjacent to existing commercial uses to the east and residential apartments to the west and the Leeds-Liverpool canal.
Location: Located 500 metres south of Wigan town centre, on Wood’s Street and close to Wigan Pier and the Trencherfield Mill Complex. The area is characterised by commercial offices and some light industry. Well served by transport infrastructure, services and amenities this is a popular commercial location in walking distance to Wigan town centre and rail stations.
Access: The site is accessed off Caroline Street. Rail access at town centre stations within 500 metres.
Planning position: The site does not have planning permission.
Development plan status: The land is located within a Primary Employment Area as designated in the Wigan Unitary Development Plan (EM1A 22).
Potential uses: The site is suitable for a range of employment uses including general industry, storage/logistics and office space.
Land ownership: Wigan Council
Site marketing: No recent marketing
Availability: The site is considered to be available
Contact details: For a further discussion on opportunities within Wigan Borough please contact The Invest in Wigan team 01942 489190
Location map