Premises Licences / Club Premises Certificates

Premises licences

Below are details of the pending applications the Council's Licensing Section have received in respect of the following application types:

  • New Premises Licences / Club Premises Certificates
  • Variation of an Existing Premises Licences / Club Premises Certificates (including minor variations)
  • Review of an Existing Premises Licences / Club Premises Certificates.

Making representations

Any person can make representations or comments to the Licensing Section in respect of the following applications. Comments may be positive or negative, but can only be considered ‘relevant’ if they relate to one or more of the following Licensing Objectives:

  • Prevention of Crime and Disorder
  • Public Safety
  • Prevention of Public Nuisance
  • Protection of Children from Harm.

If you wish to submit representations in respect of any of the applications listed below they must be received by the Licensing Section by the 'Closing Date' listed for that particular application. Representations received after this date cannot by law be accepted.Representations must be in writing and include the full name and address of the person or persons making the representation.

Please be aware that the Licensing Act 2003 requires us to send copies of all representations to the applicant or the applicant’s representative.

Pending Applications

St George Church Of England 

"The Parish Church Of St George", Elliott Street, Tyldesley, Wigan M29 8JE

Applicant: The Parish Of St George Tyldesley

Application Type:  Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  • To permit the sale of alcohol on Sundays between the hours of 10:00 - 23:00 

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 28/03/2025.

Aldi Stores Ltd

2 Preston Road, Standish, Wigan WN6 0HS

Applicant: Aldi Stores Limited

Application Type: Minor Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  • An amendment to the current approved plan to show a reconfiguration to the tills.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 13/03/2025.


Aldi Stores Ltd

King Street, Leigh, WN7 4LJ

Applicant: Aldi Stores Limited

Application Type: Minor Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  • An amendment to the current approved plan to show a reconfiguration to the tills.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 13/03/2025.

Aldi Stores Ltd

2 Preston Road, Standish, Wigan WN6 0HS

Applicant: Aldi Stores Limited

Application Type: Minor Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  • An amendment to the current approved plan to show a reconfiguration to the tills.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 13/03/2025.


641 Atherton Road, Hindley Green, Wigan

Applicant: Aldi Stores Limited

Application Type: Minor Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  • An amendment to the current approved plan to show a reconfiguration to the tills.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 13/03/2025.


25 Shuttle Street, Tyldesley, Manchester, M29 8AW

Applicant: Aldi Stores Limited

Application Type: Minor Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  • An amendment to the current approved plan to show a reconfiguration to the tills.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 13/03/2025.


553-555 Atherton Road, Hindley Green, Wigan WN2 4SJ

Applicant: Friends Traders Limited

Application Type: Minor Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  •  Add Model Conditions under Annex 2 of the Premises Licence (Contact Licensing Team for further details).

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 11/03/2025.

The Three Mills Beer & Ale House 

"Eckersley Mill", Swan Meadow Road, Wigan WN3 5BD

Applicant: Heaton 2014 Limited

Application Type: Minor Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  • To change the name of the premises to 'The Three Mills Beer and Ale House'.
  • To remove condition 1 (a) in Annex 2. This reads '1. No licensable activities shall be permitted until a variation application has been submitted and approved which includes full details of the layout of the proposed premises and any additional conditions commensurate to the style and operating model of the business.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 10/03/2025.

Ladopasi Mini Market

94 Darlington Street East, Wigan WN1 3AT

Applicant: Tony Clarke (Secure Licences) - On behalf of Kerim Wushyar Abdul

Application Type: New Premises Licence Application

The application is to provide the following:

  • Supply of Alcohol (OFF the Premises Only): Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 23:00
  • Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 23:00

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 18/03/2025.

Scholes Convenience Store

236 Scholes, Wigan WN1 3NH

Applicant: Scholes Retail Ltd

Application Type: New Premises Licence Application

The application is to provide the following:

  • Supply of Alcohol (OFF the Premises Only): Monday - Sunday 06:00 - 02:00
  • Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 06:00 - 23:00 and Friday & Saturday 06:00 - 00:00.

The hours applied for are shown above however, the applicant has stipulated that there will be no public access to the premises from 23:00 Sunday - Thursday and from 00:00 on Fridays and Saturdays until the opening of the premises, the following morning. Any sales during this period will be made via a night hatch.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 12/03/2025.

Atherton Road Mini Market

728 Atherton Road, Hindley Green, Wigan WN2 4SD

Applicant: Soran Hematzadeh 

Application Type: New Premises Licence Application

The application is to provide the following:

  • Supply of Alcohol (OFF the Premises Only): Monday - Sunday 06:00 - 00:00
  • Late Night Refreshment: Monday - Sunday 23:00 to 00:00
  • Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 06:00 - 00:00.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 10/03/2025.

Boomers and Swingers Astley Golf Driving Range

Manchester Road, Astley, Tyldesley, Manchester M29 7EJ

Applicant: Boomers and Swingers 

Application Type: New Premises Licence Application

The application is to provide the following:

  • Recorded Music (Indoors and Outdoors) Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 21:00 Sunday 10:00 - 17:00
  • Supply of Alcohol (ON the Premises): Saturday 10:00 - 21:00 Sunday 10:00 - 17:00
  • Opening Hours: Saturday 10:00 - 21:00 Sunday 10:00 - 17:00.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 04/03/2025.

Leigh Miners Welfare Institute

Kirby Road, Leigh

Applicant: Leigh Miners Welfare Institute

Application Type: Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  • To include the outside area (including the playing fields and car park) on the current licence, for films, live music, recorded music, dance and the supply of alcohol.  The outside area is only to be used on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and the hours are limited to:
  • Fridays 09:00 to 22:00, Saturday 09:00 to 22:00 and Sunday 10:00 to 21:00.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 27/02/2025.

Hickory’s Smokehouse

Almond Brook Road, Standish, Wigan

Applicant: Hickory's (ROS) Limited

Application Type: Variation Application

The application is to provide the following:

  • To add the exhibition of films to the licence, to remove and replace a number of conditions listed in Annex 2 and to convert the existing trade area into a Hickory’s Smokehouse, for further details please contact

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 26/02/2025.


29 Chapel Street, Leigh WN7 2PB


Application Type: New Premises Licence Application

The application is to provide the following:

  • Live Music (Indoors) Monday - Sunday 13:00 - 01:00
  • Recorded Music (Indoors) Monday - Sunday 09:00 - 01:00
  • Late Night Refreshment (ON and OFF the Premises) Monday - Saturday 07:00 - 01:00 Sunday 07:00 - 23:30
  • Supply of Alcohol (ON and OFF the Premises): Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 01:00
  • Opening Hours: 07:00 - 01:30.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 25/02/2025.

CSA Mini Mart and Foods LTD

48 Bryn Street, Ashton-In-Makerfield, Wigan


Application Type: New Premises Licence Application

The application is to provide the following:

  • Supply of Alcohol (OFF the Premises Only): Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 23:00
  • Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 23:00.

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 25/02/2025.

One Stop (Previously Bargain Booze)

460-464 Ormskirk Road, Wigan

Applicant: BGS (Northwest) Limited 

Application Type: Minor Variation Application

The application is to provide the following: 

  • Change of Plan - Internal Changes (no impact on licensable activities. Both existing and new plan have been submitted)
  • Change the Name of the Premises from Bargain Booze to One Stop
  • Replace outdated conditions in Annex 2 (Please contact the Licensing Team for further information).

Closing Date for the Receipt of Representations: 18/02/2025.


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