Gambling Act 2005 Fees and Charges

2025/26 Fees and Charges

We have determined the following level of fees in respect of applications for premises licences and annual fees for 2025 to 2026:

Premises Licences
 BingoBetting PremisesTracksFamily Entertainment CentreAdult Gaming Centre
New Application £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £2,000
Variation Application £1,750 £1,500 £1,250 £1000 £1,000
Transfer Application £1,200 £1,200 £950 £950 £1,200
Annual Fee £1,000 £600 £1000 £750 £1,000
Application for Re-instatement £1,200 £1,200 £950 £950 £1,200
Application for Provisional Statement £3,500 £3,000 £2,500 £2,000 £2,000
Licence Application (Provisional Statement Holders)* £1,200 £1,200 £950 £950 £1,200
Copy of Licence
Copy of Licence £25.00
Notification of Change £50.00

The first annual fee is payable within 30 days of the grant of a licence, and then on the anniversary thereafter.

* This application type is usually made by someone who already holds a provisional statement and would like it to be made final.

Fees for premises licences with seasonal conditions will be calculated as follows:
Up to three months 1/4 of the annual fee
More than three months and up to six months 1/2 of the annual fee
More than six months and up to nine months 3/4 of the annual fee
Over nine months The annual fee
Temporary Use Notices
Type of NoticeFee
Temporary Use Notice £54.00 
Copy of an Temporary Use Notice £25.00

The Secretary of State has made regulations outlining the fees in respect of the following:-

Notification of Intention to offer up to 2 Gaming Machines
Notification of Intention to offer up to 2 Gaming Machines £50.00
Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit
New Application £150.00
Variation Application £100.00
Transfer Application £25.00
Application made by an existing operator £100.00
Annual Fee (The first annual fee is payable within 30 days of the grant of a permit, and then on the anniversary thereafter) £50.00
Copy of Permit £15.00
Change of Name £25.00
Small Society Lotteries
New Application £40.00 
Annual Fee (payable on the anniversary of the grant of the registration) £20.00
Club Machine / Gaming Permits
New Application £200.00
Fast Track Application £100.00
Renewal Application £200.00
Variation Application £100.00
Copy of Permit £15.00
Annual Fee (The first annual fee is payable within 30 days of the grant of a permit and then on the anniversary thereafter) £50.00
Family Entertainment Centre Gaming Machine Permit
New Application £300.00 
Renewal Application £300.00
Application made by an existing operator £100.00
Copy of Permit £15.00
Change of Name £25.00

© Wigan Council