The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a health needs assessment specifically identifying how pharmacy services are helping to meet the health needs of the population and how they could help in the future.
The purpose of the document is to inform future planning, developing, and commissioning of pharmaceutical services in Wigan Borough. Health and Wellbeing Boards have a statutory duty to develop and publish a PNA under the NHS (Pharmaceutical Services and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations (2013) (external link). In March 2021, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) (external link) announced the requirement to publish a renewed PNA by 1 October 2022.
Wigan Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022
This Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) provides an assessment of the need for pharmaceutical services in Wigan Borough.
It follows and updates the position of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) published in March 2018 and will be used to make decisions when applications are received to open new pharmacies or move existing pharmacies and will also form the basis of commissioning plans for services that will be provided by community pharmacies.
The current PNA has been through a consultation period and the final version together with a report on the consultation is available below:
Help shape the future of local pharmacy services in Wigan
What services do you use?
What services do you need?
How can we make Pharmacies better in the future? Have your say now.
The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is an important strategic document produced on behalf of the Wigan Council Health and Wellbeing Board. It reviews the current provision of pharmaceutical services across the Borough, examines we are meeting the health needs of local communities and assesses if there are any gaps in provision.
To gain an accurate picture of this, both a public consultation and stakeholder engagement are being undertaken to see what patients and residents have to say about the provision of pharmaceutical services.
Our survey is short, but it really matters.
The feedback you give us will be included in a report that will help us decide how best to improve future pharmacy services in Wigan.
The public consultation will be open for 8 weeks between 4th February and 21st March 2025. Complete the pharmacy service survey online (external link) or there are paper copies available on request.