Wigan Borough resident population profile 2014
Population Estimates 2014 by Deprivation Decile (Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015)
The figure below allows the examination of the Wigan Borough population by level of deprivation. Each Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) has a Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 score. LSOAs are then grouped according to their rank within England as a whole. LSOAs that are among the 10% most deprived in England are in the first decile and those that are within the 10% least deprived in England are in the tenth decile, with intermediate LSOAs being attributed to a decile as appropriate. Using the figure below it is possible to view the 2014 population of any deprivation decile or any combination of deprivation deciles for Wigan Borough.
Collectively LSOAs in the two most deprived deciles show a wide base to the population pyramid that then narrows progressively from the age of 50 onwards. Conversely, the collective population of the two least deprived deciles show a narrow base with a widening at age 40. Intervening deprivation deciles show a combination of the two extremes.
It is easy to speculate as to the reasons for the differences in population age profiles that appear to result from different levels of deprivation. However, understanding sub-Borough population dynamics is vital to the planning and positioning of services. Possible reasons for the differences that require further examination include the difference in life expectancy between the least and the most deprived areas within the Borough, the possible migration of people in their 30s and 40s to less deprived areas within the Borough, and the effect of the position of care homes on local population profiles.
Wigan Borough Communities - Population Estimates 2014
The figure below allows the examination of the population profiles of the 16 locally defined communities within Wigan Borough. Each population profile largely reflects the levels of deprivation within its constituent LSOAs.
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