Activities to do all year round

Residents, schools, businesses and community groups can take little steps towards looking after their local environment all year round.

We can provide you with litter picking equipment if you need it - find out more. Litter picks are the perfect opportunity to venture down to your local open space, woodland, canal, and park and help us to keep it clean and green.

What can you do?


  • Litter pick
  • Remove fly posting and graffiti
  • Help your neighbour to take out their bin and bring it back in on collection day
  • Wash street names plates
  • Power wash flags
  • Remove debris such as fallen or broken branches
  • Rake leaves/twigs from footways, drainage channels and grassed areas
  • Prune and trim your hedges, bushes and border planting
  • Prepare your floral beds and landscaping areas for spring and summer planting
  • Start planting early season varieties
  • Apply early weed control treatments
  • Remove moss growth from street benches


  • Litter pick
  • Remove fly posting and graffiti
  • Help your neighbour to take out their bin and bring it back in on collection day
  • Wash street names plates
  • Plant up your floral beds and landscaping areas with summer blooms (annuals)
  • Plant salad, vegetable and herbs
  • Early weed control treatments
  • Remove moss growth from street furniture
  • If you notice street lights out report them now so it’s not an issue when the clocks change
  • If an In Bloom community group is based near you, why not offer to help them prepare for the judges visit? Find an In Bloom community group


  • Litter pick
  • Remove fly posting and graffiti
  • Help your neighbour to take out their bin and bring it back in on collection day
  • Wash street names plates
  • Raking, sweeping and collecting fallen leaves from footways, verges and drainage channels
  • Cut back perennials or remove summer bedding plants
  • Prepare floral beds and landscaping areas for winter planting
  • Final grass cutting and feeding for grassed areas
  • Clear away weeds
  • Check salt bin levels and speak to your local ward councillor about getting it topped up ready for winter.


  • Litter pick
  • Remove fly posting and graffiti
  • Help your neighbour to take out their bin and bring it back in on collection day
  • Wash street names plates
  • Raking, sweeping and collecting fallen leaves from footways, verges and drainage channels
  • Maintain perennial plants and evergreens
  • Cut back dead tree branches and remove overhanging tree branches
  • Carry out bulb and tree planting
  • Ensure yourself and your neighbours are prepared for cold weather conditions such as snow and ice - see winter services and advice
  • Consider entering North West in Bloom - See Borough in Bloom to find out more.

© Wigan Council