Mystery shoppers

Young volunteers needed!

You may have heard about the Test Purchasing projects Trading Standards carry out, in order to check if any traders are illegally selling age restricted products such as alcohol, cigarettes or fireworks to under age children.

To do this work we rely on the help of young volunteers, who under our supervision, visit shops and try to buy these products.

Our volunteers need to be aged between 15 and 16 years and the operations are usually run in the evenings after school or during school holidays in the daytime.

Before agreeing to volunteer we would firstly send you a parent/guardian guidance pack, so that you and your parent(s)/guardian(s) can see exactly how we run the projects and are happy to proceed.

How to volunteer

To volunteer to be a Mystery Shopper, you will need to complete a simple online form on the Wigan Borough Volunteering Hub.


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