Charitable rugby veterans celebrated in Mayoral reception

Charitable rugby veterans celebrated in Mayoral reception

Rugby veterans who have developed a passion for charity bike rides have been honoured with a mayoral reception for their fundraising efforts.

Representatives from the Wigan Community Rugby Veterans organisation were invited to Wigan Town Hall this month having surpassed a £100k milestone.

Spearheaded by St Helens legend Chris Joynt and Malc Holland from Aspull Rugby Union, the group includes former professional and amateur players from both codes.

The fundraising rides see them cycling on various routes all across the region with the proceeds going to The Christie, The Steve Prescott Foundation, Derian House and the British Heart Foundation.

Councillor David Molyneux MBE, Leader of Wigan Council, said: “Raising £100k for charity is no small task, and I’d like to say a sincere well done to all of the members of the Wigan Community Rugby Veterans. You have built a community, done some great things together and  raised an incredible amount of money for local charities along the way.”

Councillor Chris Ready, cabinet portfolio holder for communities and neighbourhoods, added: “We know that sporting tradition and heritage runs strong in our borough and the efforts of this organisation have been amazing.

“They have raised much needed funds for worthy causes all while promoting the friendships they have developed through playing this great sport that is so important to our communities.

“It was an honour to host them in the Mayor’s Parlour and we wish them all the best with their future rides!”

Having reached both fund-raising and ride milestones this year, the group is determined to remain in the saddle.

Malc Holland said: “We have reached the £100k mark and also been on our 50th ride, so we thought long and hard about calling it a day, particularly as the years creep on.

“But this thought was quickly dispelled as we know the rides bring so much pleasure to so many participants.

“Our plans for 2025 will be announced in the new year.”

He added: “We are greatly indebted to our company sponsors, and we repay the favour by giving them maximum publicity throughout the year and provide them with an emblazoned ‘hoody’ as a show of our gratitude.’

Posted on Thursday 24th October 2024

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