Local Offer Contact

SEND Local Offer

You can use this form to make general enquiries and ask questions about SEND policies and processes.

Please don't use this form for anything other than enquiries regarding the local offer.

If you are making contact regarding a child or young person with an Education, Health and Care Plan we advise that you speak to the school SENDCo first. If you have already done this, please contact the named person on any letters or emails received from the SEND team. If you are unsure who to contact in the team, please contact SENDSAdmin@wigan.gov.uk with the details of the child or young person included.

In the SEND Team, we aim to support everyone in the best possible way, and want to ensure you receive the best service. However, if you need to escalate matters further after speaking with the SEND team, please contact Wigan Council complaints in the contact us section.

If your child doesn’t have an EHCP and you require advice or support we recommend that you speak with your child’s school Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) in the first instance.

If you need further advice or support then please contact Wigan SENDIASS who are an independent service that offers free, impartial information, advice and support to families of children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

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Telephone number

01942 486136

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