Parks, countryside, trees and play areas

Council-owned green spaces include parks, countryside, play areas, playing fields and bowling greens. We work to keep these areas clean and tidy for your use and enjoyment.

If you spot an issue on council-owned land which you cannot resolve yourself as part of Progress with Unity, report it to us. Issues include:

  • Broken glass or spillage
  • Fly tipping
  • Graffiti
  • Dog fouling
  • Damaged / overflowing bins
  • Damaged, broken or missing play equipment
  • Overgrown shrubs and uncut grass
  • Weeds
  • Trees, branches and overhanging hedges
  • Problems with public toilets
  • Problems with uncontrolled horses on council land
  • Problems with public rights of way.

How do I report an issue with parks, countryside, trees and play areas?

You can report an issue as a resident of Wigan borough through MyAccount. Reporting through MyAccount is quicker and allows you to track progress.

How do I report an issue (unregistered or non-resident)?

Report invasive weeds

If you find Japanese knotweed or Giant hogweed on private or public land, visit the following pages to find out what to do next:


© Wigan Council