Meet the Tenant Voice and Engagement Team

The ethos of our team is to work together with our tenants to shape our services and improve our communities. The team will work across the borough with five officers each covering a housing area. The officers assist our tenants on various ways to get involved, we can also help with setting up tenant and resident associations and provide advice on funding, engaging with your community and supporting ideas on how you would like to improve your community.

The Tenant Voice and Engagement Team involves building strong and lasting relationships with our tenants, ensuring they can influence, improve our services and be at the centre of our decision-making process. We support with service development and work alongside wider colleagues and departments to improve relationships with tenants and promote a diverse and inclusive range of engagement methods ensuring tenants are placed before process. Our main focus is to ensure the voice of the tenant is at the heart of everything we do.

The team can also support tenants who want to get involved in volunteering opportunities, tenants wanting to start a new tenant and resident association and tenants wanting to get involved with any community activities and projects.

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