Keep up to date with the latest and upcoming in Tenant Voice and Engagement events.
Upcoming events
Walk About Wednesday’s
The Tenant Voice and Engagement Team will be getting out and about across the borough. We will be visiting our housing estates getting to know our tenants and residents and taking the opportunity to tell them about our team and the work we do.
The team will be visiting areas that we have not visited before and where there is currently a low level of tenant engagement.
The walkabouts will take place on the second Wednesday of the month from March until September between 1pm and 3pm.
- 9th April 2025 - Siddow Common, Leigh
- 14th May 2025
- 11th June 2025
- 9th July 2025
- 13th August 2025
- 10th September 2025.
Look out for the Team in your area and come and say hello and learn more about how you can ensure the voice of the tenant is heard.
Family Hub
Our team support the Family Hubs and offer a bi-monthly Community Cuppa. Tenants and residents in the area can pop in and have a chat and discuss community related issues and access support with volunteer opportunities, setting up of groups and accessing funding. Just call into the drop-in, no appointment necessary. Please see the Family Hub timetable for our sessions and the other services available.
Tenant Voice Neighbourhood Champion meetings
Neighbourhood Champion meetings are to give a voice to tenants and residents who reside on Wigan Council Housing neighbourhoods. It will give tenants and residents a platform to engage in a positive and constructive relationship with Wigan Council and influence how their homes and communities are managed.
Upcoming Neighbourhood Champion meetings dates to be confirmed.
Tenant Voice Facebook Page
Have you joined our Tenant Voice Facebook group? Find out more about what is happening in your community and any important housing updates. Please ensure you answer the questions and agree to the group rules in order to be approved.
Neighbourhood Star
Do you have a neighbour who goes the extra mile? Would you like them to be recognised for their support? Has a member of Wigan Council staff gone above and beyond? Nominate someone for a Neighbourhood Star! We will make sure that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Let’s spread some positivity!
Better Connected Communities Fund
Do you have a great idea for a community project, but need a little help to get it off the ground?
The Better-Connected Communities Fund enables local groups, individuals and organisations to apply for funding up to the value of £2,000 for projects and ideas which benefit our neighbourhoods.