Ricia Mullen case study

Ricia Mullen, 22, from Beech Hill, had always aspired to work in health and social care but struggled to access opportunities in the sector due to her lack of confidence. Now, she is thriving in a new job having secured a permanent role at Heathside Residential Centre in Leigh working with older residents with dementia.

Having been diagnosed as an 18-year-old with high functioning autism, the unease she had experienced meeting new people or being placed outside of her comfort zone began to make sense.

Before her diagnosis, Ricia sat her GCSE's and Health and Social Care Level 2 but didn’t achieve the expected grades.

Wigan Council’s Confident Futures programme, which supports care leavers, helped her to gain the skills and qualifications she needed to find employment. Ricia also engaged with the Aspiring Futures programme, which helps the borough’s young people make connections in the working world and guides them to choose a career pathway for them.

She said: "I knew I wanted to work in care, so I spoke with Jan, my progression advisor, and she helped to make that happen.

"Through the Confident Futures programme and with help from the Aspiring Futures team, I was able to attend employability training and undertake placements to gain work experience, complete my GCSE's, and secure an apprenticeship.

"Before, I struggled to find a job. I didn’t have the necessary skills or experience" she added. "My apprenticeship increased my confidence in the workplace. It has given me independence."

Ricia is now able to look forward and focus on developing her career in health and social care. The team at Heathside are continuing to build progression routes for Ricia to grow in her role by supporting her with further training opportunities. She is now looking forward to completing upcoming courses.

The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic has strengthened Ricia’s passion for care work. "I am proud of my work and being able to help the residents at Heathside during the crisis. Coronavirus has shown how valuable our work here is. I can see my future at Heathside."

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