Rules for using our collections

Please help us to preserve Wigan’s archive collections.

As the records we look after are unique and irreplaceable, we ask you to observe a few simple rules to help protect them:

  • Documents may not be removed from the searchroom
  • Please use only pencils. No form of ink is permitted, even for your own notes
  • Use the book supports and weighted cords where appropriate
  • No smoking, drinking or eating (including sweets/chewing gum)
  • Do not lean upon any document or place objects upon them
  • Retain all files or bundles of paper in their original order
  • Please place all coats and bags in the lockers provided or on the coat hooks. Please keep the tables and work areas free from all personal possessions
  • You are welcome to take your own digital photographs of documents for no charge, and for private study only. Fees may be applicable if any image is to be published. Please consult a member of staff before using your camera and turn off your flash
  • To avoid disturbing other users, please do not conduct lengthy discussions about your research in the searchroom
  • Put your mobile phone in silent mode in the searchroom
  • Wear nitrile gloves provided when asked to
  • Copies of these rules are available in the searchroom. Please ask a member of staff if you have any questions concerning this information
  • Treat other researchers and staff with respect and follow their directions when asked.

© Wigan Council