Environmental information requests

Environmental information can be provided on the atmosphere, water, soil, and landscape, as well as on factors affecting these elements such as noise, radiation and waste.

We respond to requests for environmental information from members of the public, solicitors, consultants and other interested parties.

Requests for environmental information should be made via email regulation@wigan.gov.ukincluding any specific questions on the information required. 

Types of report

Standard report

  • Brief summary of historical land use
  • Confirmation of any nominated landfill sites within 250m of the property
  • A check of the contaminated land public register
  • Confirmation of air quality management areas in relation to the property
  • A check of Part A and Part B permitted installations (within 1km of the property)
  • Indicate smoke control areas in relation to the property
  • Notices served relating to statutory nuisance and clean air on/adjacent to the property

The standard report fee is £119. The reports will be issued within 20 days upon receiving your request.

Comprehensive report

For a large search area report please contact the Environmental Health Team for an estimate. Comprehensive reports will be issued within 40 days from receiving the request.

Commonly requested information

People often request information on the following topics, so you may find the details you need below:

Air quality

Contaminated land

To view the full register you will have to make an appointment, please contact us via email to arrange an appointment.

Environmental permits

Certain types of industrial activities are regulated because of their potential impact on the environment. We are responsible for regulating Part B activities.

Private water supplies

  • For a list of private (commercial) water supplies in the borough, or to register one, please contact the Environmental Health Team.

Smoke control areas

Noise mapping

Noise maps help to inform noise action plans for large urban areas, major transport sources, and significant industrial sites in England.


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