Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The standards that school and childcare providers must meet for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old.

The EYFS framework:

  • Sets the standards that all Early Years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well
  • Ensures children are kept healthy and safe
  • Promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’.

Guidance documents to support implementation of the EYFS learning and development requirements.

EYFS 2021 Reforms

From September 2021 EYFS reforms will come into action. Please see below for further advice and guidance on implementing the changes within your setting. Training courses are available to book via the Services for Schools portal.

EYFS 2021 Vodcasts

We recommend that you view the vodcasts as an essential starting point to plan for your implementation of the EYFS reforms in the new academic year.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority Q&A with Dr Julian Grenier

Greater Manchester Combined Authority hosted a Questions and Answers with Dr Julian Grenier to support the early years sector with adapting to the new EYFS. Headteachers and Teachers from early adopter networks across Greater Manchester, posed questions to Julian around adapting to the new reforms and the Development Matters guidance.​

The full recording of the webinar can be viewed here (external link). The full recording lasts 2 hours, so has been split into four shorter sections covering the following themes:​

  • Introduction and Continued Professional Development (CPD)​
  • Progressive Curriculum​
  • Tracking​
  • Accountability​.

Learn, Explore, Debate 

Take a look at Implementing the revised EYFS webpage (external link) for more information on the following:

Safeguarding and Welfare

Documents and templates to support settings in meeting the EYFS Statutory Safeguarding and Welfare requirements and tools to develop policies and procedures.

Safer recruitment


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