High Expectations for All



  1. Children and Families Act (2014): A summary of the reforms 
    1.1 The Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years (2014) 
    1.2 What does this mean for Wigan?
  2. Funding 
    2.1 Introduction 
    2.2 Funding for mainstream settings 
    2.3 Process 
    2.4 Impact 
    2.5 Funding for Post-16 Young People with SEND 
    2.6 Pupils and Students living in other Local Authorities 
    2.7 Personal Budgets 
    2.8 Frequently Asked Questions
  3. The Local Offer for SEND
    3.1 What is the Local Offer? 
    3.2 What information does the Wigan Local Offer contain? 
    3.3 The Contribution of Education, Health and Social Care to the Local Offer 
    3.4 Co-Production of the Local Offer
  4. A Graduated Approach to SEND
    4.1 Effective Inclusive Settings; Quality First Teaching for all learners 
    4.2 The Graduated Approach
    4.3 Voice of the Child / Young Person
  5. Sources of Support 
    5.1 Education and Social Care 
    5.2 Health 
    5.3 SEND Information and Advice
  6. Areas of Need – Cognition and Learning 
    6.1 Definition 
    6.2 Graduated Approach 
    6.3 Effective Inclusive Schools; Quality First Teaching 
    6.4 Graduated Approach - Some Support  
    6.5 Graduated Approach - Lots of Support  
    6.6 Graduated Approach - Exceptional Support 
    6.7 Severity Criteria – Cognition and Learning 
    6.8 Specific Learning Difficulties
  7. Areas of Need – Communication and Interaction 
    7.1 Definition 
    7.2 Different forms of Communication and Interaction Difficulties 
    7.3 Assessment: Gathering Evidence 
    7.4 Plan & Do: Strategies and interventions 
    7.5 Review: Monitoring and Tracking  
    7.6 EHC Criteria
  8. Areas of Need – Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
    8.1 Definition 
    8.2 Indicators of Difficulties 
    8.3 A Graduated Approach 
    8.4 Processes for addressing Social Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties 
    8.5 Whole School Behaviour and Discipline 
    8.6 Mental Health and Behaviour 
    8.7 EHC Criteria  
  9. Areas of Need – Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties
    9.1 Definition 
    9.2 Different forms of Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties 
    9.3 Assessment: Gathering Evidence 
    9.4 Plan & Do: Strategies and interventions 
    9.5 Review: Monitoring and Tracking  
    9.6 EHC Criteria
  10. The Autism Pathway (under review)
    10.1 Introduction 
    10.2 Definition 
    10.3 Different signs of autism 
    10.4 The Autism Pathway: 5 to 19 years 
    10.5 Referral to the Autism Pathway Panel 
    10.6 Autism Pathway Panel  
    10.7 Specific Assessment Tools, Interventions and Support 
    10.8 Training
  11. The Education, Health and Care Pathway
    11.1 Referral 
    11.2 EHC Summary Assessment 
    11.3 Key Working 
    11.4 The Role of the EHC Panel 
    11.5 The EHC Plan  
    11.6 Personalisation and Personal Budgets 
    11.7 Reviewing the EHC Plan  
    11.8 Transition between Phases of Education
  12. Education Health and Care (EHC) Early Years Pathway (0-5)
    12.1 Introduction 
    12.2 Key Points at which SEND may be identified in the Early Years 
    12.3 Types of Provision 
    12.4 A Graduated Approach 
    12.5 Early Intervention 
    12.6 Support for Parents and Practitioners 
    12.7 A Graduated response to SEND 
    12.8 Early Intervention Support Mechanisms 
    12.9 Criteria 
    12.10 EHC Assessment and Review Processes 
    12.11 Transition to school
  13. Preparing for Adulthood
    13.1 What is Preparing for Adulthood? 
    13.2 What is the Preparing for Adulthood Pathway? 
    13.3 Pathways to Preparing for Adulthood  
    13.4 The Role of Annual Reviews 
    13.5 Pathways to Education 
    13.6 Pathways to Employment 
    13.7 Education, Health and Care: Roles and Responsibilities 
    13.8 Funding for Post 16 Young People with SEND
  14. Ofsted Framework for SEND
    14.1 Introduction 
    14.2 SEND Provision and Policies 
    14.3 Observation 
    14.4 Gathering Evidence 
    14.5 Portfolio 
    14.6 Self-evaluation of SEND Provision
  15. Resources for SENCOs
  16. Glossary of Terms

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