Communication and Interaction


Inclusive Quality First Teaching should be in place to support all children to develop their communication and interaction skills.

Some children might need more support than others to develop their skills in this area and the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle should be followed to monitor their progress.

The Children's Speach and Language Team (SALT) (external link) have a range of information and suppor for schools, professionals and families.

For some children English might be an additional language. This should not be considered as a Special Educational Need unless it is reported that the child/young person is experiencing difficulties developing skills in their first language. School staff should follow Inclusive Quality First Teaching strategies to support. The Ethnic Minorities and Traveller Achievement Service (EMAS) can provide information, advice and guidance.


For some children it might become evident that an additional level of support, above and beyond that required by other children, is needed to help them to develop their communication and interaction skills.

School staff should continue using the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle, to monitor progress and consider next steps.

In Wigan, the Targeted Education Support Service (TESS) have collated ideas and resources to support children with Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).

Some children will also need specialist support once this graduated approach is in place.  The Wigan Speech and Language Therapy service (NHS) provides assessment and support of children’s SLCN.

Further information and advice about supporting children’s communication can be found on the WWL Teaching Hospitals website (external link).

Children and young people on the Autistic Spectrum experience difficulties with their social communication and social interaction difficulties. The Autism Service can provide further information, advice and guidance about Wigan’s Autism Pathway.

Severe and Complex/Specialist

In following the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle and implementing the advice from specialist services, it is envisaged that very few children/young people will require an Education Health and Care Assessment and Plan.

The referral for an EHC Assessment needs to demonstrate evidence that advice has been sought and acted on, following ongoing ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycles. This evidence should then be able to demonstrate why the child/young person requires this high level of intervention and provision.


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