Believe in Leigh


Pedestrian crossings

Improved pedestrian crossings in Leigh town centre


A Lion Statue

To celebrate the pride of Leigh


Town Hall Square

Improvements to make it more attractive to visitors

We all want Leigh to be the best place it can be.

That is why Wigan Council is investing £5m in Leigh.

We invested £1m of this improving Bradshawgate and the outdoor market and we then asked you what you wanted the rest of the money to be spent on.

Safety measures

You said you were concerned about feeling safe in Leigh town centre. We are now investing £400,000 in new safety measures.

This will mean 45 new CCTV cameras in Leigh town centre to add to the existing network.

These cameras, on nine new columns, will be installed by the end of August 2019.

Four further poles will be installed in the Leigh West ward, which will be used for two re-deployable cameras that can be moved across the columns. These cameras are to be operational by the end of May.

The new cameras come after a successful Month of Action when residents, local community groups such as Leigh Residents Association and Leigh Neighbours, councillors, council staff, police and businesses all came together to blitz the neighbourhood and tackle anti-social behaviour.

By continuing to work together we will make Leigh safer, cleaner and a happier place for everyone.

Young people and safe zones

We have also allocated £70,000 of the fund to improve young people’s facilities in the area and are working with Leigh Youth Voice to develop this.

We are also to introduce ‘safe zones’ in Leigh town centre that will offer a welcoming space for young people to go if they have any concerns or worries.

Look of the town centre

Following your feedback we are improving the look and feel of the town centre.

This will include bright LED lighting, refreshed road markings on Market Place and the refurbishment of benches, guard rails and poles, all of which is due to be complete by the end of March 2019.


For the rest of the fund the council is working with partners to identify important sites in the town centre that can drive forward major regeneration.

There are also very exciting plans being developed for Pennington Flash – again a place that you told us was important to you and was in need of investment.

Once we have these new plans in place we will let you know more and continue to improve Leigh and help to make it a vibrant, attractive and well-used town centre.

You said, we did
 You said We did
More safety measures 45 new CCTV cameras in Leigh town centre
Concerned about fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour A month of action with partners tackling these issues
More youth facilities £70,000 allocated for youth provision and safe zones

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