Question Reference Number 864690
Local authorities in the UK have a statutory duty to provide sufficient allotments under the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908. Specifically:
• Duty to Provide Allotments
• Sufficient Provision: The council must assess local demand and ensure there is adequate provision. This includes maintaining waiting lists and monitoring trends in demand. How is Wigan Council upholding their Duty to:
A) Assess demand - including the monitoring of waiting lists and consulting with residents/community groups to understand their needs.
B) Allocating Land - Will you be working with developers / those building the influx of new houses to secure land for new allotments and to safeguard green space?
Response from the Councillor Chris Ready, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Neighbourhoods
Thank you for your recent query, please find outlined below a response in realtion to the points that you raised:-
A) Demand is assessed through the allotment waiting list. In the last 11 months, the Council have reviewed the waiting list at 15 allotment sites, and this has reduced the waiting list by 851.This review will now continue for the remainder of the allotment sites. The Council’s Community Asset Transfer allows community groups / residents to take control of Council assets – including allotments, this alternative and innovative approach often leads to an increase in capacity at allotments sites that are leased out.
B) When applicable, the Council works with developers to secure land for allotments and to secure funding to improve existing allotments.