The Deal 2030

The Deal 2030 LaunchFormed from the views of thousands of our residents, the Deal 2030 is an exciting and ambitious strategy for Wigan Borough.

It's a plan which aims to make Wigan Borough the best place it can be over the coming decade.

From improving the borough’s town centres and making sure people are healthy, to getting children the best start in life and ensuring a litter-free environment, the strategy sets out 10 ambitious goals for the borough.

What is the purpose of the Deal 2030?

The Deal 2030 provides a unifying strategy for the whole of the borough to make it the best possible place to live and work over the coming decade.

It was created after the biggest ever consultation undertaken by Wigan Council called The Big Listening Project, which visited 83 locations across the borough, spoke to 6,000 people directly and collated 10,000 brilliant ideas.

What did people say?

AmeliaFrom the future of town centres and opportunities for young people, to being part of a caring community and living in a clean and green place, there were so many brilliant ideas to make this borough the best place it can be.

One of the things that came out loud and clear was how proud people are of the borough - but they are also passionate about making change for the better. They said they want to move at pace towards a better future for everyone.

This plan sets out how we can work together to bring about this change and to make sure that this borough, which matters so much to everyone who lives and works here, is a place we can continue to be proud of.

All of the views and comments have been read and analysed and collated into ten key priorities, which the council and its partners will focus their efforts on in the coming decade.

The 10 priorities for the Deal 2030 are:

  • Best start in life for children and young people
  • Happy healthy people
  • Communities that care
  • Vibrant town centres
  • An environment to be proud of
  • Embracing culture, heritage and sport
  • Economic growth that benefits everyone
  • A well connected place
  • Confidently digital
  • A home for all.

What is The Deal?

At the heart of The Deal is the idea of a new relationship between public services and citizens. This relationship is different to the traditional relationship between citizen and state and is the key to Wigan’s success.

Central to The Deal is the recognition that councils and other public services cannot continue to do everything they once did and that as individuals we all have to take more responsibility so that we can live in a happy and thriving community.

The Deal is about recognising the importance of happiness, of feeling connected and being valued.

To make sure we deliver the highest-quality public services all organisations have adopted a set of principles which underpin The Deal.

We train our staff to follow these principles so that we focus on the strengths of our residents and work together to find solutions rather than following a tick box formula.

You can find out more about these principles in the strategy.

What happens now?

The Deal 2030 has been officially approved by us and many other public sector organisations have adopted the strategy as a ‘plan for the place’ of Wigan Borough.

Each priority of the strategy now has to be delivered on and the council and its partners will be held accountable on whether this is achieved through a number of partnership boards and its own governing bodies. The council will also produce a public annual report which will show how much progress it has made on each priority.

How can I be a part of it?

Each priority has an ‘Our Part’ and ‘Your Part’. There are simple actions that everyone can take to help contribute to improvements we all want to see in the issues that matter to us all.

Whether it is shopping more in your local high street, taking more exercise, volunteering for a local organisation or looking out for a vulnerable neighbour, we can all be a part of this change.

That is the beauty of the Deal 2030. Our People, Our Place, Our Future - we can all play a part in the change we want to see.


© Wigan Council