About Progress with Unity: A new era for Wigan Borough

What is it about?

The Progress with Unity plan is a new movement for change for the next decade.

It builds on the successes and opportunities created during the last 10 years but also the lessons we have learned along the way.

We know that the world around us has changed significantly and the challenges and opportunities that our communities are living through requires a bold response.

As a partnership between residents, businesses, public services and community organisations we have reflected deeply on what our strengths are - but also where we have not gone far enough or had the impact we had hoped for.

Therefore, Progress with Unity is the culmination of a research project and is influenced by all of our partners and independent experts.

What will it mean?

Two key missions have been identified that the council and its partners are committed to delivering:

  • Create fair opportunities for all children, families, residents and businesses
    "Together, we will break down the barriers that create financial, health, education and environmental inequalities in our borough."
  • Make all our towns and neighbourhoods flourish for those who live and work in them
    Together, in genuine partnership with our residents and businesses, who know our communities best, we will help each town and neighbourhood in the borough to celebrate and maintain their identity whilst understanding and helping to achieve what is needed to thrive."

These missions will be underpinned by action-plans that will a focus on community wealth and health building, tackling inequalities and supporting communities to fulfil their potential.

Is this the final version of the plan?

Crucially, this is not the final version of our movement. Its foundations are built on the deep engagement we have carried out, but it will change and adapt over time.

This is the start of a new era and we will work as a partnership to keep listening and learning from residents and our response will continue to evolve.

How will it be achieved?

We have a unique and genuine commitment to work together as a collective for the good of the borough.

The success we’ve had has come from our culture, behaviours and approach to working alongside our communities.

Through ‘Progress with Unity’ we will strengthen the way we work through the following six tried and tested ways of working to achieve long-lasting change.

  1. See the person
  2. Listen deeply
  3. Know this place
  4. Do the right thing
  5. Connect to neighbourhoods
  6. Show our love and pride

© Wigan Council