Be Well making a big splash with young swimmers

Be Well making a big splash with young swimmers

Be Well swimming instructor with young girl in pool

More than 5,000 youngsters are now learning to swim with Be Well

A rising number of local children are now learning to swim with Be Well - Wigan Borough’s growing leisure and wellbeing movement.

Figures show the council-run service’s ‘Learn to Swim’ programme gained more than 300 new members in the first three months of 2023, taking the total number of youngsters having regular tuition to 5,177.

Lessons follow the official Swim England framework, steadily developing a child’s confidence in the water and eventually helping them master the basic techniques to swim safely and independently.

Councillor Chris Ready, portfolio holder for communities and neighbourhoods, said: “Learning to swim is such a key part of a child’s development and we’re really proud our Be Well movement is supporting so many local families and schools.

“Swimming is great fun and brilliant for young people’s physical and mental health, and our amazing instructors do such a brilliant job creating a safe and enjoyable environment for young swimmers to flourish.

“With Be Well nobody is thrown in at the deep end - and we also have specialist provision for children with disabilities and additional needs. We’re delighted that more and more families are choosing us and we’re working hard to increase our capacity even further as we target 6,000 members by March 2025.”

On top of scheduled lessons from friendly, fully-qualified instructors, Learn to Swim membership includes free casual swimming across five local pools so youngsters can continue to learn at their own pace. Find out more about Childrens swimming lessons.

Meanwhile, the overall Be Well movement continues to grow at pace - enjoying record sales of leisure memberships in the first three months of 2023.

Coun Ready added: “We’re really going from strength to strength as we continue our mission to help the people of our borough lead happier, healthier lives.”

Discover more about the Be Well movement.

Posted on Friday 7th July 2023

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