Downloading a year of digital success

Tech Mates volunteers are thanked by Assistant Director, Rob Gregory, and Councillor Nazia Rehman
Wigan Council’s award-winning Tech Mates initiative has marked a record-breaking 2024 of tackling the digital divide.
More than 1,000 residents have been helped by volunteers and digital mentors, who notched up almost 900 hours of volunteering this year.
This success saw the scheme recently win the Digital Skills category at the Connected Britain Awards.
And to celebrate the wider achievements of the borough’s Digital Communities Partnership, the council’s Digital Wigan team welcomed its community and business counterparts for a special reception at the town hall in December.
The partnership helps address digital inequalities in the borough, so that everyone can access and benefit from new technology.
Councillor Nazia Rehman, cabinet member for resources, finance, and transformation, said: “We’re always looking at how we can use new technology to improve our services and know it’s equally important to make sure that all our services are accessible to everyone who lives and works in the borough.
“We are proud of everyone who has worked with us to help reach those who may be digitally excluded; whether that’s been supporting someone to get online so that they can find a job, helping older people enjoy a video call with their grandchildren, or showing someone how to shop around online to secure a more reasonable energy bill.
“These efforts really have made a significant difference to people’s lives.”
The Tech Mates scheme has held over 200 informal drop-in events in local community buildings and libraries this year and more than 80 people who accessed the events have gone on to find out about further digital training.
Mark Latham is one of the volunteers recognised at the celebration event. He volunteers at Wigan Athletic Community Trust’s over 55s social group, Extra Time, and became a Tech Mates volunteer so that he could offer tech advice to some of the older people in the group.
He said: “It’s been so nice to meet some of the other volunteers today and find out more about the scope of the volunteering that goes on across the borough.
“I’d encourage anyone who might be interested in becoming a Tech Mate to come forward.
“You don’t need to be a digital expert; just some basic digital confidence and a willingness to help people is enough. I sometimes don’t know the answer to a question I might be asked – but I’m always happy to help someone find the answer.”
After celebrating their successful year, the Digital Wigan Team are now looking ahead with future plans including developing a virtual reality equipment lending library, helping to educate people about AI, and working with the new Family Hubs to offer digital support in the heart of communities.
The team are currently running engagement sessions at Family Hubs to make sure their offer will be what local communities most need.
To find out more about opportunities available for both volunteers and learners visit digital Wigan.
Posted on Friday 20th December 2024