Community garden plans come to fruition in Bamfurlong

Community garden plans come to fruition in Bamfurlong

Bryn Gates Community Garden

The new Bryn Gates Community Garden

A new community garden has been opened at Bryn Gates in Bamfurlong boasting food growing beds, an orchard of fruit trees and new play equipment for local children.

The project has brought an underused recreation area back to life, adding a picnic table and benches, new bins and signage, cycle racks and accessible pathways.

It has been created in partnership with a group of local residents who will help maintain it for the benefit of their community.

Councillor Chris Ready, Wigan Council’s portfolio holder for communities and neighbourhoods, said: “We’re really proud of our parks and green spaces in Wigan Borough and this wonderful new garden will be a place for local people to enjoy and be proud of.

“It’s a place where people can come and relax, on their own or with family and friends, to play, pursue a hobby or simply enjoy some quiet time and fresh air.

“I’d like to say a big thank you to Bamfurlong Neighbourhood Group who have formed a magnificent partnership with our local councillors. They have helped create something really special and will take a leading role in making sure the garden looks its best for many years to come.”

The project secured a grant of £85,000 from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, which has also covered the cost of a ride-on mower, other gardening and maintenance equipment, and storage space.

Its 100-tree orchard features varieties of apple, pear, plum, damson, cherry, medlar and quince, while native hedging and 30 other trees have also been planted around the pathways and perimeter.

Norman Prior, chairman of Bamfurlong Neighbourhood Group, said: “The area had become completely overgrown and had been used as a dumping ground, so our first task was to remove all the shrubbery, debris and rubble that had built up over the years.

“Initially we didn’t have any funding and I’d like to thank two local companies, SED Services and Beech Tree Services, for helping carry out these works at no cost to the group. We’ve also received excellent support from Wigan Council and our councillors and, as a result, were able to secure significant funding for the project.

“The area has now been greatly enhanced into a place everyone can enjoy and we’ll be working closely with our local community to ensure this green space continues to thrive. The initial reaction has been brilliant; we had more than 500 people at our official opening on Saturday (9 September) and all of our raised beds have been allocated so we’re already looking to install more.”

Anybody interested in getting involved with Bamfurlong Neighbourhood Group can email

Posted on Thursday 14th September 2023

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