Building new homes, delivering for communities

Building new homes, delivering for communities

Developers and builders in Wigan Borough have created apprenticeships, donated to local charities and organisations, and invested in our communities, while building much-needed homes in partnership with Wigan Council.

This extra value has all been created as part of the council’s Community Wealth Building focus, which prioritises developers and builders who commit to being a real part of the community while they are on site.

In 2023/24, more than 20 apprentices were employed, £29k of donations and donations in kind were made to local charities, and local organisations like Wigan Youth Zone, Fur Clemt, Shevington Sharks, and The Brick were supported.

Councillor Susan Gambles, cabinet portfolio holder for housing and welfare, said: “We have made it a priority to invest in building homes in our borough; proactively tackling the housing crisis that can be seen across the country.

“When we decide which developers, builders and suppliers we’re going to work with, we make sure that Community Wealth Building is a key factor; how they plan to support and invest in our communities from using the local supply chain, supporting young people, to charitable donations.

“We have seen some amazing things; on top of the apprenticeships and training opportunities, some great local organisations have been supported across the borough.”

In Shevington, M&Y Maintenance and Construction are working with Wigan Council to build a new extra care home on the site of a former primary school. This will create 32 much-needed apartments for older people, with communal areas and facilities including gardens, expected to complete later this year.

In taking on this contract M&Y committed to supporting the community, with nearly £9k donated to local community projects and charities, alongside nearly £5k worth of materials with staff having already spent 185 hours volunteering and even more activities planned to continue supporting the community throughout the development.

A recent charity football tournament saw M&Y, young people from the Brick and several local subcontractors come together, raising nearly £4k for The Brick and Crooke Village Association.

Chris Mellor, Construction Director at M&Y Maintenance and Construction, said: “We don’t just go on site and build properties at M&Y, we fully immerse ourselves in the local community and want to have a real long-lasting impact.

“Shevington and the surrounding area has been a great community for M&Y to work in, full of people like us trying to make a difference, so coming together with these great local charities, organisations and Wigan Council has been a real pleasure and it has been very rewarding to see how M&Y and our supply chain partners have been able to help.”

Coun Gambles added: “It is great to look back on the investment in our local communities that has been generated by our commitment to community wealth building, in partnership with our contractors.

“We already have lots planned for this year, delivering much-needed affordable homes in our borough and ensuring our local communities continue to benefit and thrive from this investment.”

Posted on Monday 12th August 2024

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