Key decisions and updates from the meeting of the Full Council, Wednesday 25 September

Key decisions and updates from the meeting of the Full Council, Wednesday 25 September

Welcome to our round-up from the latest meeting with all of Wigan Council’s elected members.

View the agenda for the proceedings.

Library card scheme opens a new chapter

School starters across the borough will receive free library cards as part a new scheme announced at this meeting.

The Leader of Wigan Council, Councillor David Molyneux MBE, unveiled the plans that will encourage the reception age recipients to visit the borough’s 15 libraries with their families.

Councillors Chris Ready and Jenny Bullen, who cover the communities and neighbourhoods, and young people and families portfolios, added that the scheme will help young people discover a love of reading but also have access the wide-range of support offered at libraries.

Find further information on the Library card scheme.

Success with crackdown on nuisance use of off-road bikes

A recent targeted project by the borough’s Community Safety Partnership to stop off-road bikes causing misery for local residents has had an impact.

Councillor Dane Anderton, cabinet portfolio holder for police, crime and civil contingencies, told colleagues during the cabinet updates section of the meeting that the borough has seen a 30 per cent overall reduction.

Hot-spot areas like Bickershaw Country Park and Lowton have seen a 50 per cent decrease, and Worsley Mesnes and its surrounding areas has seen an impressive 98 per cent reduction of incidents.

Coun Anderton added this subject will remain a topic for the council, Greater Manchester Police and the Community Safety Partnership.

A new Honorary Alderman for the borough

A recommendation that put forward former councillor John O’Brien to be made an Honorary Alderman was approved by the elected members.

This title is given to former elected members who have served the council for more than 20 years and may have had cabinet roles or have chaired council committees.

It brings no special rights, but is intended to reflect their position within the community.

The conferring of Honorary Aldermen in Wigan Borough dates back to 1982.

A special meeting will take place in November where Mr O’Brien will be formally appointed.

For more information visit Honorary Aldermen of the Borough.

Motions spark lively debate

Four motions were debated at the meeting.

Motions are proposed by one member and seconded by a colleague. This means they present the motion to the chamber. It is opened up for debate, meaning all members can speak on that subject should they choose to. The proposer and seconder are then asked to ‘sum up’ before it goes to the vote.

Motions regarding the following topics were all approved (meaning members voted by a majority in favour of the motion’s action).

  • Support for Greater Manchester Police and emergency services following the recent bouts of civil unrest across the region.
  • A proposed extension to the Holiday, Activity and Food (HAF) programme
  • Backing for a national Men's Health strategy, incorporating a focus on suicide prevention.

More details are contained about these motions in the agenda.

The final motion – proposed by Atherton Independent member Councillor James Watson – was in relation to winter fuel allowance.

It read: “This Council asks the Government, to reverse their decision to cut the Winter Fuel Allowance for all pensioners, which would protect this vulnerable group from the impact of rising energy costs.”

In response, an amended motion was proposed by the Labour group.

It read: “This Council will write to the government, asking them to reconsider their decision to cut the Winter Fuel Allowance for affected pensioners and review the proposed threshold to determine eligibility for Winter Fuel Payments.”

When an amended motion is submitted, the proposer (in this case Coun Watson) is asked whether they will accept it as the substantive (main) motion.

Coun Watson did not accept the amendment and so it was put to a vote whether the amended motion should become the substantive (main) motion.

This vote was approved, therefore making the amended motion the main motion.

Following a debate, the new (amended) motion was approved after a further vote.

Posted on Friday 27th September 2024

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