Bin collection changes explained

Since 2012, we have seen an increase in the amount the borough recycles but we need to do more.

Our recycling rate is 43 per cent. If we are not recycling 50 per cent of our waste by 2020, we will face significant fines.

By recycling more and recycling right, these changes will allow us to protect essential front line services, and keep your Council Tax low.

You told us you wanted a more frequent blue bin collection and could manage with a less frequent brown bin collection.

These changes have been shaped by you and you are helping us to save £2m a year.

If we don’t make these changes we’d have to find this money from somewhere and we want to protect frontline services for our children and our vulnerable residents.

The council was the third worst hit local authority and will have lost £160m in government grants by 2020.

Evidence from other areas in Greater Manchester shows us that three weekly collections have managed to make significant savings while increasing recycling rates.

Read our frequently asked questions about the new bin collections

New calendars

In summer all households in the borough will receive a booklet fully explaining these changes along with a new two-year calendar which will run from Monday 25th September 2017. You will also be able to check your collection day online.

As the rounds change, you could see different refuse crews working in your area and you may have a change in collection day. There could also be changes to the time of day when bins are emptied.

New bin collection calendars are now being delivered. Please note your calendar may show a different collection day which will be the correct date.

© Wigan Council