Illegal tobacco, alcohol and counterfeit goods

We work to combat the illegal tobacco, alcohol and counterfeit goods trades.

Report it

Please contact us in confidence to report somebody you believe is selling illegal tobacco, alcohol or counterfeit goods.

Illegal tobacco and alcohol

Illegal tobacco and alcohol is often sold ‘under the counter’ in shops or from houses.

There is no regard for safety or quality. Counterfeit tobacco and alcohol often contains dangerously high levels of toxic chemicals.

Children are known to buy illegal cigarettes and alcohol from complete strangers, who sell them with no regard to laws protecting children from these age restricted products

Counterfeit goods

These are illegal copies of well-known branded products produced without permission of the company.

These include:

  • Clothing and footwear
  • CDs and DVDs
  • Cigarettes and alcohol
  • Perfume
  • Watches

Counterfeiting is a serious criminal offence which carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years.

What we do

We regularly visit shops, markets and car boot sales, to monitor for counterfeit and illegal goods. We also monitor popular auction and social websites.


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