Applying for a Year 7 place for September 2025
If your child will turn 11 between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, they will transfer to secondary school at the start of the new school year in September 2025.
Before applying for a Y7 place, parents must read the following booklet as it contains important information about the application process.
National Allocation Day
On 3rd March 2025 offers will be sent to applicants by email and post.
If you have applied online, on 3rd March 2025 you will receive an email from 9am and you will be able to view the outcome of your application on the School Admissions Portal. If you have applied using a paper application form, you will be notified of the outcome by letter.
If you have applied online and your email shows that you have not been offered a place at one of your preferred schools, you will receive a letter with details of which criterion your application fell under. Information on how places were allocated, how to appeal and waiting lists can be found further down this page.
Letters are being posted on 3rd March 2025 by 1st class post. Please wait for your letter to arrive. If your letter has not arrived by 10th March, please contact the School Organisation Team or 01942 489013.
How places were allocated
The documents below give details of how places were allocated at each oversubscribed Wigan Secondary school. If you have been refused a place at any of these schools, you will be sent a letter with the reason your child was refused a place.
How to apply
The closing date for applications was 31st October 2024, and the online application service is now closed.
If you have not yet applied for a secondary school place, or you wish to change your mind about the preferences or the order of preferences, you must complete a late application form.
Please DO NOT use this form to apply for a school transfer. You must apply via the moving schools page to apply for a school transfer.
Appeals and waiting lists
If you have been refused a place at a Wigan secondary school, you have the right to appeal that decision. Children refused a place at a Wigan secondary school will be added to the school’s waiting list which will be kept until 31st December 2025.
Before submitting your appeal please read the appeals information below.
Appeal for a place at Wigan community, foundation, academy or Church of England schools
To appeal for a place at a Wigan community, foundation, academy and Church of England Schools, you will need to:
If you are unable to appeal using the online form, please contact us on 01942 489013 and we will post the form to you.
Appeal for a place at Wigan Catholic secondary school
To appeal for a place at Wigan Catholic secondary school, you will need to:
Moving address
If you move house please tell us immediately, you will need to provide documentary proof of your new address e.g. exchange of contacts or tenancy agreement. For the full list of accepted proof please see page 8 of the Applying for a Y7 place booklet.
If you move house after the closing date for applications, we cannot use your new address to process your application form. We must use your permanent address on the closing date for applications. Once your new address has been confirmed it will be taken into account when operating waiting lists for more information, please see the ‘Applying for a Y7 place’ booklet.
Church schools
If you are naming a voluntary aided (Church) school as a preference on your application, we strongly recommend that you complete and submit the school’s supplementary information form alongside your application form. The school governors will need this extra information so that they can consider your application against their faith criteria.
Supplementary forms must be returned to the relevant school before the closing date for application, 31 October 2024. If you have any forms by post, it is your responsibility to check they have been received.
Privacy notice
The Council has a legal responsibility to protect the data it collects. For more information see our privacy notice: