Be a Voice for Care

We're passionate about ensuring excellent care for everyone in the borough and are constantly working with our care providers to help achieve this together.

Has the care or support that you, a loved one, a friend or neighbour has received been positive and made a difference?

Or perhaps you have questions or concerns you would like to raise with us? If you’re out and about and see something amiss, or if someone you know is receiving care and something doesn’t feel right, please tell us. We're committed to acting quickly with our care providers to resolve any issues.

Together we can achieve excellent care for all.

We really want to hear about people’s experiences of the care and support that they receive. 'Be a voice for care' and...

  • Speak up - Give people who work in care and care providers a thank you
  • Speak out - Raise your questions or concerns.

Tell us about your care experience

The work of our care providers always makes a huge difference to lives.

To speak up about your experiences with care and the difference it has made or to speak out and raise your concerns, you can:

Examples of feedback received

Here are a few examples of feedback received and how we worked with our care providers and customers to act on this. Names have been changed to protect confidentiality.

Bill's story

Bill is a care home resident. His son contacted us to tell us what a difference his care home staff had made. Bill had been a bit withdrawn. Dave, one of the care home staff, was chatting to Bill about his life and discovered that Bill was a huge rugby fan and had played semi-professionally. Dave was also a huge rugby fan. He brought in his huge collection of Rugby programmes for Bill and they have since watched games together. Bill was delighted and became more like himself. Bill’s son wanted to thank Dave for making such a huge difference to his dad. We contacted the care home to say thank you and to make sure that Dave received the great feedback for going above and beyond.

Sally's story

Sally receives regular homecare visits. Sally’s daughter visited her mum at lunchtime and noticed she was still in her pyjamas. Her carer hadn’t turned up that morning and it wasn’t the first time. Sally’s daughter contacted us to raise her concerns. Our team contacted the homecare provider who then worked with their staff member to investigate why this had happened. The carer advised that she had been making the morning calls, but Sally hadn’t let her in on two occasions over the last few weeks. Our team then chatted to Sally. She told us that the 8.30am visit that was booked in was too early for her as she enjoyed a lie in and so wasn’t answering the door. We could then arrange a later call in the morning so that Sally got her lie in and was happy to be helped to dress, ready for the day.

Vicky's story

Vicky is a supported living resident. Her support worker had taken her to a local pub for lunch. The pub landlord heard the support worker speaking to her very abruptly. He felt that she wasn’t being given the attention and support that she needed. Something just didn’t feel right. He rang us to tell us about his concerns. Our team then worked with the supported living provider. It became clear that the support worker was not right for the role. The provider investigated this case carefully and took action. Vicky has a new support worker now, they get on brilliantly.


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