REACH Safeguarding Adolescent Service

REACH is a service name that has been chosen by Wigan young people and is the umbrella title for some different teams across Wigan Children's Social Care who are working collaboratively with some of our most vulnerable teenagers.

Those teams are our Youth Justice Team and Youth and Community Team (formerly known as Targeted Youth Support Services), our Complex Safeguarding Team and our Staying Together Team (edge of care).

We want all young people to be safe, achieve their potential and have a strong support network to help them make positive changes, which builds resilience and confidence for the future.

Who do we work with?

  • Children (aged 10-17) in the youth justice system or at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour (ASB)
  • Children at risk of or experiencing criminal or sexual exploitation or other exploitative behaviour
  • Older children from certain groups who may need some additional support and protection such as children in our care, or children who may be experiencing discrimination or bullying
  • Older children (aged 12+) who may be on the ‘edge’ of coming into care due to experiencing significant harm and challenges in their lives.

What support is available?

We can offer a broad range of support to try and help young people overcome certain challenges in their lives, build confidence and resilience and fulfil their potential, including:

  • Youth engagement - We run youth groups that help build young people’s confidence so they can have their say on the issues that affect them and share their views with key decision-makers
  • Volunteering and community support - We link young people with opportunities in their local community and build their resilience so that they feel confident enough to attend and contribute
  • Youth Justice - If young people are in trouble with the police, we will support them to achieve goals and work towards a more positive future away from crime or ASB
  • Victim support - We work with young victims of crime, to support them to build resilience and offer the option of restorative justice. Restorative justice aims to repair harm peacefully and give victims of crime a say over what happens next. It also helps the person who has caused the harm to have a greater appreciation of the impact of their behaviour on others
  • Harm outside the home – if young people are experiencing harm outside of the family home such as criminal or sexual exploitation or radicalisation, we will support them to be safe and protected
  • We align all our practice to the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Adolescent Framework Principles (2022). This drives the overall approach of the REACH Safeguarding Adolescent Service
  • Your Choice in Wigan - A new pro-social Violence Reduction Programme. It is delivered in Wigan through our Reach Safeguarding Adolescent Service using our very own skilled practitioners.

How to refer a young person

Complex Safeguarding Team - 0161 856 5959

All other teams - 01942 487100

Volunteer with us

Volunteering with us is a great way to help your community, gain valuable skills, and make a positive difference to the lives of young people. Opportunities include:

  • Youth Justice - Help children who have offended repair harm to victims and communities through work and mediation
  • Become a mentor for young people who are experiencing difficulties and challenges associated with growing up as teenagers.

Visit Wigan Borough Volunteering Hub for further information.


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