Homeless Recovery Accommodation Pathways

We recognise that homelessness can have a significant impact on an individual. Being threatened with Homelessness can often cause anxiety, frustration, and fear. Whilst we recognise each person is affected differently, the common areas affected range from worsening in physical and mental health, social isolation, low self-esteem, increased risk to safety, substance or alcohol misuse and sometimes leading to criminal behaviour. 

Rough Sleeper Support Service

Our Rough Sleeper Support Service is designed to work with people who are rough sleeping to support them in a person-centred way, working at a pace comfortable to them, and focusing on their goals and aspirations, rather than what steps society feels they should take. Rough Sleeping is complex, and there a many different layers and each person should be treated as an individual, which means there is not fixed approach. The team are skilled at working to support people in a way which works for them. The service also do borough wide patrols and will respond to reports of people sleeping rough to ensure they are linked into support opportunities.

Recovery from Homelessness is not just about securing accommodation. It is important to ensure that the person finds the right pathway into sustainable long-term accommodation, and that they are equipped with the skills to sustain that accommodation and create a home. We understand that in many cases, people require additional support to deal with the issues which may have led them to Homelessness or have been brought about due to homelessness.  Working closely with a wider range of partner agencies, we have developed a variety of Accommodation and Support models, to order to carry out a varied range of options, recognising the diverse nature of the issues. We have both Rough Sleep Recovery Pathways and Supported Accommodation Services for those recovering from Homelessness.

Rough Sleep Recovery Pathways

Through our Rough Sleeper Accommodation Pathway, we continue to invest in a wide number of accommodation and support services to allow a varied and flexible offer to people wishing to exit rough sleeping, also encompassing a preventative approach to ensuring people do not need to rough sleep in the first instance.

We have several emergency access accommodation units which are designed to meet an individual’s basic needs for warmth, accommodation, safety and security. We have found this service to be popular with people in providing a landing point from exiting rough sleeping, which still allows social interaction and community but provides dignity, safety and personal space.

The below offers a brief summary into the types of accommodation we offer, and how this can be accessed.

A Bed Every Night (ABEN)

A Bed Every Night (ABEN) is a Greater Manchester Combined Authority Initiative, which provides an accommodation offer for anyone who is identified as sleeping rough or at significant risk of sleeping rough. The ABEN offer in Wigan consists of 20 bed spaces, largely shared, dormitory style rooms, with some smaller rooms to accommodate couples. The provision accepts both males and females, and there are various professional agencies working on site to provide support and guidance. There is a weekly activity programme, fully equipped kitchen, shower rooms, TV and games lounge and a craft room. The Brick are the provider of the service, and referrals can be made following a Homeless Assessment.

Night Shelter

In the Winter of 2023/24, we sourced some funding to set up an emergency night shelter, in response to the growing demand for emergency accommodation for people rough sleeping.  Working with Homeless Charity, The Brick, who were able to source a suitable venue and set up an emergency night shelter accommodation. We have found this service to be of great benefit in encouraging people to come in off the streets, often referrals into more formal settings can feel intimidating, so having an environment such as this one, carried out by a Homeless Charity has been a real benefit.

Supported Accommodation Services for those recovering from Homelessness

The below offers a brief summary into the types of support accommodation we offer, and how this can be accessed.


Our Springboard contract is achieved by using three of the Borough’s largest Registered Social Landlords, our Springboard Accommodation and Support Service achieves a huge variety of accommodation and support based units. There is a mix of single occupancy flats, bedsits within 24/7 staffed schemes, small accommodation units and standalone dispersed accommodation. All have an attached support offer, and this is designed around the needs of the individual. The criteria for this accommodation is those in urgent housing need, and people must have a local connection to the Wigan borough.

Next Steps Accommodation

Next Step Accommodation project (NSAP) main objective is to provide high-quality temporary move-on homes and accompanying support services to an eligible group of individuals. This aims to address gaps in the homelessness pathway provision and achieve a sustainable reduction in rough sleeping. The eligible cohort are entrenched rough sleepers or those with a history of frequent rough sleeping. Eligible individuals will be provided with a three-year tenancy and will be allocated a Resettlement and Health Living Officer to support maintain their tenancy. At the end of their tenancy, we hope tenants will be ready to enter the housing market independently and are successfully able to maintain a tenancy.

Young Persons Accommodation

  • Coops Foyer is a service carried out by Your Housing Group. They have 22 flats within a single building, providing accommodation specifically for young people aged 18 - 25.  The service achieves frequent engagement and social opportunities for young people and aims to provide effective life skills to assist with future tenancy sustainment, employment and education
  • Young Persons Hub is a small five-bedroom accommodation setting, with onsite 24/7 support specifically for young people aged 18-25. The service provides support, stability and structure to young people who are moving on from Care or at risk of homelessness.

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