Self-build and custom house building

We keep a register of individuals and associations of individuals who have expressed an interest in acquiring land for self-build and custom-build projects.

By signing up you will help us find out more about the number and location of sites which are required in Wigan Borough and the types of houses that people would like to build.

You will also be registering your interest in purchasing, at market value, a site within Wigan Borough, and if a site meeting your requirements becomes available we will contact you seeking further personal details from you to confirm your eligibility.

At this stage you are not making a commitment - we are just trying to find out how much demand there is for self-build and/or custom housebuilding.

We will not pass any details to third parties and will contact you on an annual basis to ensure that your details are correct and that you wish to remain on the register.

By signing up to the register, we do not guarantee that we will be able to provide a plot that meets your specifications.

Types of self-build and custom house building

  • Self build - You purchase land and build your own house on a single plot. You may build the house yourself or employ a builder, architect and, in some cases, a project manager to oversee the build.
  • Collective custom build -  You are part of a group who, as a body, wish to design and develop a custom-build housing development which the group then live in. The group may build this yourselves or with help from a developer to manage the project.
  • Developer-led custom build - A developer divides a larger site into individual plots and provides a design and build service to purchasers. This gives you a chance to customise existing house designs to suit your needs.
  • Co-housing - You and a group of people choose to live in a development where each has their own house but there is also a communal house and shared facilities. A community ethos is at the heart of this type of housing.

Advice and support


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