Greenslate (LNR) was created 20 years ago when three ponds were excavated and the area planted with native tree species, which have all done exceptionally well.
The area is home to a diverse group of mammals, birds and insects, including four RSPB red listed birds, nineteen species of butterfly and the protected water vole. It is particularly important for its sighting of thirteen species of dragonflies and damselflies.
Key habitats
- Open water
- Swamp
- Planted scrub and trees bounded by well-established hedgerows.
The site was designed with public access in mind and a good footpath with associated infrastructure still exists. The ease of access, proximity to housing and links with local rights of way provides a much valued community resource and is seen as a very positive benefit to future plans.
The reserve is valued in three main areas:
- High biodiversity value
- As a community amenity
- As an education and awareness-raising resource.
Key conservation objectives have been set for the reserve, forming part of the LNR management plan. Active involvement in the site plan by different site users will result in a sustainable working approach for the future of the reserve.

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