Wigan Borough in Bloom

Our aim is to make Wigan Borough a better place to live, work and visit by creating and maintaining an attractive environment for everyone to enjoy.

The Communities Team manage the overall In Bloom project. Other partners include our Streetscene Team, Corporate Land Management and Moss Bank Nurseries.

We support all In Bloom community groups through regular contact, community network and In Bloom network meetings.

Across the borough there are approximately 1100 floral planters which are planted up by Moss Bank. The majority of these are on display between late spring and late autumn, however a  smaller number are on display throughout the year.

Streetscene and Corporate Land Management maintain and manage our parks, nature reserves and  greenspaces. This allows people to engage with nature, increasing their awareness of native wildlife habitats and offering an ideal place to learn about and enjoy the countryside.

We can achieve this by:

  • Working in partnership with communities and businesses to strengthen resources - see Progress with Unity
  • Ensuring the borough is a clean, green place and a place to be proud of
  • Encouraging communities to be more sustainable and take part in environmental initiatives e.g. sustainable planting schemes, reducing waste, clearing litter and graffiti, producing floral displays
  • Developing prosperous town centres where people wish to visit and shop, and enhancing neighbourhoods across the borough
  • Changing behaviour to increase awareness of and respect for the environment e.g. running environmental projects within schools
  • Targeting resources to the areas that need them most
  • Creating an environment where people feel safe.

How do I get involved?

  • If you are a group, thinking of setting up a group or have an idea for a project please contact us
  • Volunteer - Search for ‘In Bloom’ and ‘Friends of’ community groups near you and find out how you can improve your local area
  • Volunteer - If you wish to volunteer or have a volunteer opportunity please register with our volunteer hub (external link).
  • Business sponsorship - If you would like to sponsor any of our planters or other floral displays or support our In Bloom community groups please email Inbloom@wigan.gov.uk
  • Other opportunities - Community group support, funding and events available from the Communities Team to benefit the people, the environment and community of Wigan
  • Contact Wigan In Bloom if you would like to find out more.

Wigan Borough In Bloom competitions

North West In Bloom Competition 2024

The North West In Bloom 2024 competition saw 27 entries from across the borough including 2 schools from the Shevington neighbourhood.

We saw a record number of the It’s Your Neighbourhood entries receive a Level 5 Outstanding!

Several of these entries are receiving Level 5 not for the first, second or third time.

Also this year,  6 discretionary awards were presented to a number of organisations:

See the North West in Bloom 2024 results.

Applications for the North West In Bloom competition open in late January 2025.

North West In Bloom Competition 2023

Although there was no corporate entry to the 2023 competition, the borough was well represented by the 31 groups who did enter both the Britain in Bloom and It’s Your Neighbourhood competition.

No group or organisation was awarded less than a Level 3 – Thriving. An amazing achievement all round.

North West In Bloom Competition 2022

Judges from the Royal Horticultural Society for North West in Bloom were in the borough through June and July 2022. Over the course of 6 days the judges visited a number of  locations including parks, nature reserves, tourist attractions, community gardens, Churches, train stations, a Hospice, town centres, allotments and two primary schools.

Volunteers, partners, residents, council staff and pupils met the judges at every location. They  showcased the work they do and told their individual stories with passion, enthusiasm and humour on how they enhance the area that they live in. They were assessed on:

  • Horticultural quality
  • Community Participation
  • Environmental responsibility.

The 2022 NW in Bloom awards were recently held in at the University of Bolton Stadium in Bolton.

Wigan Council won the two main awards in the Britain in Bloom awards. Gold in the Large City/MBC category and Best overall in this category. Haigh Hall woodland park won Gold in the Large Tourist Attraction category.

Our Parks won the following:

  • Jubilee Park won Gold in the Small Parks Category
  • Pennington Hall Park won Gold in the Small Parks Category
  • Mesnes Park won Gold in the Large Parks Category.

Our 31 community groups won a combined total of 35 awards in the It’s Your Neighbourhood Competition and a number of special awards. 16 Groups won the highest award available Level 5 Outstanding.

North West In Bloom Competition 2021

Judges from the Royal Horticultural Society for North West in Bloom were in the borough through August 2021. Over the course of 4 ½ days the judges visited 40 locations across the borough, including parks, nature reserves, tourist attractions, community gardens, train stations, a Hospice, town centres, allotments and two primary schools.

Volunteers, residents, council staff and pupils met the judges at every location. They  showcased the work they do and told their individual stories with passion, enthusiasm and humour on how they enhance the area that they live in. They were assessed on

  • Horticultural quality
  • Community Participation
  • Environmental responsibility.

The 2021 awards for Wigan were held at Sunshine House in November 2021. 

Wigan Council won the two main awards in the Britain in Bloom awards. Gold in the Large City category and Best Large City.

Our Parks won the following:

  • Jubilee Park won Gold in the Small Parks Category
  • Pennington Hall Park won Gold in the Small Parks Category
  • Mesnes Park won Silver in the Large Parks Category.

Our 28 community groups won a combined total of 34 awards in the It’s Your Neighbourhood Competition and a number of special awards. 

Watch some of our In Bloom communities prepare for the judges visit:


© Wigan Council