Leigh car parks

Free parking offers on Wigan and Leigh town centre car parks →

We offer free weekend parking on council owned town centre car parks in Wigan and Leigh. See more information.

Please note: 

Roadside parking not covered in these offers.

Loire Drive car parks are excluded from these offers.

The Grand Arcade is not a council owned car park.

Leigh has a number of car parks located in and around the town centre.

For car park, on-street pay and display and permit charges in Wigan and Leigh, visit:

Find a car park

See the map below for opening times, spaces available, payment facilities and more.

Motorcycle stands

There are motorcycle parking spaces with secure chain locks and the facility to display a pay and display ticket in both Wigan and Leigh town centres.

Two pay and display motorcycle dedicated bays are available at our Spinning Gate car park.


© Wigan Council