Landowners and occupiers

We are keen to work with landowners/occupiers to ensure the Public Rights of Way (PROW) network is maintained as effectively as possible to meet both legal requirements and the needs of landowners/occupiers and users.

We have a legal duty to protect the condition and status of PROW and to assert the public right to use them without impediment. However we do aim to achieve this as far as possible in harmony with land use. To do this we need to engage proactively with landowners/occupiers to maintain routes and resolve issues as quickly and as easily as possible.

What can we do for you?

  • Offer advice or arrange site visits to confirm correct alignment of PROW
  • Discuss any concerns, problems or other issues you may have concerning PROW on your land
  • Provide clear signage and waymarking along routes
  • Install or replace access barriers where appropriate and as authorised, on condition the landowner takes on responsibility for future maintenance
  • Work in partnership with other agencies to help resolve problems.

If you experience any problems relating to rights of way on your land please don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can find a suitable solution together.

The council has produced a Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) which sets out our aims for improving access for all people on public footpaths and bridleways across the borough.

Countryside code for land managers

You may find it helpful to take a look at the Natural England's Countryside Code (external link) which applies to all parts of the countryside

The Code makes it clear what the responsibilities are for both the public and also the land manager. Three sections of the Code are specifically dedicated to land managers:

  • Know your rights, responsibilities and liabilities
  • Make it easy for visitors to act responsibly
  • Identify possible threats to visitors safety.

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