Speed safety cameras

All safety cameras are deployed by Greater Manchester Police in partnership with the 10 Greater Manchester Authorities.

How are new sites for speed safety cameras chosen?

The decision to locate a fixed speed safety camera is based on the number of speed related collisions that have occurred within the immediate area. The criteria is laid down by the Department for Transport and local authorities across the country are working to these guidelines. It specifies:

  • At least 3 killed or serious injury collisions per km in the most recent 36 month validated period
  • Speed survey shows 85 percent of vehicles are travelling at or above enforcement levels in built up areas and 5mph over maximum speed limit in non-built up areas.

Find out more about speed safety cameras and their locations (external link).

What are the types of safety cameras?

There are various types of safety cameras, including:

Fixed Camera

  • Fixed speed camera - locations where fixed speed camera housings are installed with cameras operating continuously or from time to time. The cameras are unattended
  • Average speed camera - locations where fixed average speed (time over distance) cameras are installed and in operation
  • Combined speed camera and red light camera - traffic signal-controlled junctions where cameras detect red light offences and also speeding offences when the traffic signals are in the green phase
  • Red light camera - traffic signal-controlled junctions where red light cameras are installed and enforcement is undertaken.

Mobile Camera

  • Vehicle mounted unit - all vehicles used are high visibility clearly marking out their purpose for camera enforcement.

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