Hackney Carriage / Private Hire Drivers

Timescales →

The Licensing Team are currently short staffed and dealing with a high volume of applications and enquiries. Timescales for dealing with applications or enquiries may therefore be longer than advertised. We apologise for any inconvenience. Failure to submit a completed application, including supporting documents and the appropriate fee will delay the processing times.  

Application forms and procedures

To apply for a hackney carriage / private hire drivers’ licence you must:

  • Be over 21 years-old
  • Have held a full DVLA driving licence or other European Union licence for at least 12 months
  • Be able to satisfy us you are a fit and proper person to hold the licence
  • Be entitled to work in the UK.

Please note: The application procedure has changed and applications can no longer be submitted in person.

Renewal applications can be made up to 8 weeks prior to the expiry date. Applicants are advised to submit an application at least 4 weeks prior to the expiry date.

Please complete the application form in full, and ensure that all sections are completed. Failure to provide the following documents could lead to a delay in your application.

Email your completed application to the Licensing Team with the relevant supporting documents.

Private Hire drivers are advised to read through and familiarise themselves with the conditions which will be attached to their licence should it be issued. Hackney Carriage drivers are advised to familiarise themselves with the bye-laws:

Application Timescales

We aim to acknowledge receipt of your application within 5-10 working days (subject to receipt of a complete application). The timescales only begin on receipt of a completed application, including all the required documents and the relevant payment.

Failure to submit a completed application, including supporting documents and the appropriate fee, within 5 working days from the initial contact, will result in an application being rejected.

Criminal Record Checks

On receipt of your completed application and relevant documents a link to an online DBS application will be emailed to you and you must complete the application and pay the relevant fee within 7 days of the receipt of the email.

A list of acceptable documents can be found at ID Verification Documents (external link).

DBS Update Service

The Update Service is an online subscription that allows you to keep your standard DBS certificate up to date and allows us to check the status of your existing DBS certificate without the need for a new DBS application being submitted. The cost is £16.00 and you can   register here (external link) using the e-reference number of your application or using the completed certificate reference number. You must register your certificate number within 30 days of the ‘date of issue’ displayed on the certificate.

The Department for Transport have published Statutory Standards for councils on taxi licensing. The Standards recommend that all licensed drivers should be required to evidence continuous registration with the DBS update service to enable the licensing authority to routinely check for new information every six months.  Drivers that do not subscribe up to the Update Service should still be subject to a check every six months.

Failure to subscribe to the Update Service would mean you will be required to complete a new DBS every six months. 

NR3S – Register of Taxi and Private Hire Driver Licence Suspensions, Refusals and Revocations

Under the Taxi and Private Hire (Safety and Road Safety) Vehicle Act 2022 and in line with the Department for Transport Statutory taxi and private hire vehicle standards, from 27 April 2023 it is now mandatory in all Councils in England to use the national database, NR3S (previously known as the NR3) Register of Taxi and Private Hire Diver Licence Suspensions, Refusal and Revocations. 

The register is hosted by the National Anti-Fraud Network (NAFN) and the system records all instances where hackney carriage and private hire driver licences have been suspended, refused or revoked. 

This will include licences suspended for failure to submit a satisfactory DBS application and failure to attend the mandatory hackney carriage / private hire driver training.

Should your driver licence be suspended, revoked or your application be refused then details of this will be recorded on NR3S.

Change of Address

You must inform the Council if you move home, giving details of your new address within seven days of moving. This can be done by completing the  Notify Licensing of a change of address (external link) form.


If you wish to make a complaint in relation to a hackney carriage / private hire driver, you can:


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