Housing help for armed forces

We make sure that the armed forces community and their families receive high priority for social housing.

Currently serving

If you lived in the borough prior to joining up and are now due to leave the armed forces you will be given a high priority for up to six months after you have been discharged.

If you are currently serving in the armed forces, you should apply for housing so that your details are registered with us - even if you don’t know when you will be leaving the forces.

Your application will not normally be registered until two months before your discharge (on confirmation of your discharge date).


If you are a reservist suffering from a serious injury, illness or disability which is attributable (wholly or partly) to being in the services you will be given a high priority for social housing.

Spouse or civil partner of someone in the armed forces

In the unfortunate event of your spouse or civil partner being killed in action, you will be given the highest priority for social housing.

Formerly serving

You will be given the highest priority for social housing if you formerly served in the armed forces and become in urgent need of housing due to:

  • Homelessness and have a ‘priority need’ (where the council has accepted a statutory duty to re-house you) - if you're homeless or will be homeless soon, you can fill in our online referral form to get support
  • Medical or welfare reasons which renders your current home as totally unsuitable.

Priority may also be awarded to veterans who are homeless or of no fixed abode but the council does not have a statutory duty to secure accommodation under the homeless legislation e.g. to single people.

Please note: If you have no connection to the Wigan Borough or you own your own home and expect to receive more than £65,000 in equity, then this priority may not be applied.

© Wigan Council